Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Life is BLUEtiful

I woke up this morning thinking
"Gee whiz! I got the Blues!
But it wasn't a sad kind of Blue.
Not at all.
It was Blue for sure but it was happy and jolly too.
It was a cheerful and perky Blue.
It was full of mirth, this Blue I'm talking about.
Oh, yes!
It looked a lot like the Blue mentioned in that old song that goes...
"I was painting my hands and my face Blue, in the Blue painted Blue..."
So, I can't really say why but I'm high.
I'm on Cloud 9, folks.
And this Cloud 9 is white.
As good as Blue.

Thursday, 23 August 2012


I love the italian saying that goes: "Ogni scarrafone è bello a mamma sua."
It talks about roaches, moms and beauty and this could be a proper translation: "Every roach is beautiful in his mother's eyes."
Pretty cool, isn't it?
Anyway, not only roaches are ugly and adored by their mommies, but also big black spiders called Tarantas.
Especially these days when the Night of the Taranta is going to hit the acme in beautiful-great-amazing-awesome-fabulous-mindblowing Salento.
Oh my God, Salento...
Hot and sexy as anything.
Ok, I'm flying.
Hotness and Sex simply can't wait one minute more!

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

I Feel Wood

His hands are made of oak.
His eyes run faster than mountain brooks.
He was born in the woods among blackberry bushes and cyclamen flowers.
Who I'm talking about?
Sandrino Fani, my Fire Old Master, the last charcoal burner of Upper Lazio.
He really taught me everything about Fire and I'm one of his most devoted pupils.
Well, it's the Village Festival Week in Acquapendente, so my Fire Old Master will be there to tell everybody his incredible stories on charcoal burners, lumberjacks, wolves and fairies.
I've decided to be present in my own may because it's...
I beg your pardon? Are you asking me if I'm able to build a fire?
Hubba hubba! Not even with a fire thrower!

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Red Hot Chili Weathers

Oh, yes.
Italy is the most extra-marvelous place on this planet.
You know, culinary wonders, amazing ruins, all those masterpieces scattered everywhere, but what about the italian kaleidoscopicrazy-as-hell climate? 
Winter? Icy and Icelandic.
Fall? Foggy and Dutch.
Spring? Stormy and Patagonian.
Summer? As hot as Saudi Arabia's hottest season but more humid than mega-humid Borneo.
So, that's the way the cookie crumbles around here.
Living in Italy is touring the whole world without moving an inch.
You only have to let time goes by.
Then, when all is said and done, why looking for who-knows-what in the 40 corners of the earth when you already have everything right here?

Saturday, 11 August 2012

Huggy Boar_ Zanne d'amore

Caro Diario,
l'estate in Alta Tuscia procede a gonfie vele. Dopo il Corso di Sopravvivenza (vedi post precedente) mi sono iscritto a un Seminario di Wild Boar Hugging, una roba davvero strepitosa e molto utile per sprigionare l'istinto empatico che sta in ognuno di noi, ma che di solito langue atrofizzato in un cantuccio della nostra psiche perché l'odiosa e insalubre vita metropolitana prevede l'utilizzo di cose tipo il mors-tua-vita-mea, ma non l'utilizzo dell'empatia.
Il wild boar hugging infatti spinge a fraternizzare col diverso da noi (in questo caso il cinghiale, perché quello vuol dire wild boar, cinghiale) e a farci capire che le nostre gioie e dolori sono le gioie e dolori di tutti, e viceversa. E una volta capito questo uno si rende conto un po' di tutto quanto, per esempio di come sarebbe il caso di trovare soluzioni condivise alla Crisi Globale e non il solito triste e inutile "si salvi chi può" perché a pensare solo al proprio piccolo orticello poi si perde di vista l'enorme orticellone che è l'Universo. 
Insomma, con tutte le cose che sto imparando in questa bollente estate fra i boschi mi sa che d'ora in poi non potrò più evitare di essere uno di quegli ecologisti tutto zenzero e compostiera... :)

La pratica del wild-boar hugging mette in pace con il mondo_ Wild-boar hugging makes you feel happy and peaceful

Dear Diary,
this Alta Tuscia summer goes in full sail. After the Survival Course (see the previous post) I've just enrolled in a Wild Boar Hugging Seminar, a really useful thing to do if you want to release your empathic instinct that usually languishes in a gloom corner of our psyche only because the unhealthy city bustle life forces everyone to use hateful tools like mors-tua-vita-mea and it never involves loving tools like empathy.
So the wild boar hugging gives you the chance to understand that fraternizing with the different is possible and that we all share the same joys and sorrows. And once you got this you're gonna realize quite everything and you'll feel the urge to find some shared solutions to Global Crisis and not the old sad "run for your life", because if you only tend your own little garden you'll surely lose sight of the enormous garden which is the Universe.
Well, with all these things I'm learning in this hot summer among the woods I think I'll be forced to become one of those hardcore ecologists married to their composter... :)